
Showing posts from October, 2020

Food Safety & Food Poisoning

What is food poisoning? it's an acute illness, usually sudden, caused by eating contaminated or poisonous food. The symptoms of gastrointestinal disorder are: 1. nausea - a queasy feeling as if you were close to vomit 2. sickness - vomiting 3. Pains within the bowl - gripping pains within the area of the stomach 4. Fever 5. Diarrhea The main causes of gastrointestinal disorder are: 1. Metals - lead pipes, copper pans 2. Viruses - which are smaller than bacteria, are normally found in water 3. Chemicals - Insecticides and weed-killers 4. Bacteria - the most typical   5. Poisonous plants - toadstools, red kidney beans (insufficiently cooked) Bacteria is that the commonest sort of gastrointestinal disorder then it's important that we all know more about them. Bacteria are tiny bugs that sleep in the air, in water, in soil, on and in people, in and on food. Some bacteria causes illness. they're called PATHOGENIC bacteria. Some bacteria cause food to rot

What Are the Main Symptoms of Hyponatremia?

  Hyponatremia may be a condition where serum sodium levels drop to below 135 mEq/L. Usually, hyponatremia will resolve on its own, but in some cases the condition will progress and may cause swelling of cells. Mortality in hyponatremia is caused by brain damage caused by swelling of brain tissues. When serum sodium levels drop, ECF goes inside the cells where there's higher concentration of solutes. this is often a physiologic attempt of the body to correct water balance of the cells. Swelling are often a drag when it reaches the brain for there's limited room for brain expansion. this will cause brain compression which will damage the brain. For immediate diagnosis, it's best to watch for symptoms of hyponatremia to assist choose the treatment modalities to be applied. When symptoms of hyponatremia are present, corrective measures are to be done to stop complications. Symptoms often include: Nausea Muscle weakness Vomiting Muscle spasms or cramps Confusion Hallucination D

What to Do If Your Child Has a Fever

 I recently found an article(i) on a really popular health site and was grabbed by the opening paragraph- "Fevers, while not typically dangerous in their title , can make children uncomfortable. If you've got a toddler with a fever -- whether it's due to an illness or may be a normal response to vaccination -- you'll wish to offer antipyretic, or fever-reducing, medication". This is the last item you would like to try to to for a toddler that's ill and may actually both prolong the illness and truly cause more harm. the very fact that there's little to no evidence that Tylenol/Advil therapy contributes to health has not stopped marketers, and sadly, most doctors from continuing to offer patents this bad advice. What exactly may be a fever? Simply put, fever is that the body treating itself with heat. What happens during a fever? An infectious agent (bacteria, virus etc.) is engulfed by a neighborhood of your system referred to as a macrophage. A series of

Mental Health and Your Child

  While many adults believe that children live a lifetime of ease, this is often never necessarily always true. Your child and psychological state may be a dynamic world unto it's own.   Children aren't without their own emotional, mental, and ph ysical troubles. even as with older humans, children are capable of feeling all kinds of feelings. These include feelings of sadness, hurt, mistrust, anxiety. additionally , the way that children affect these feelings can have an enormous effect on their emotional health. Children and psychological state often reflects greatly on the parental psychological state that a toddler has when he or she become a parent themselves. Kids that get older during a positive environment are far more likely to be positive adults than people who experience negative emotional psychological state during their childhood.   Infant and child psychological state establishes a foundation of self-esteem for all times .   Children as young as infant

Baby's Bath Time Tips

    The mother of a baby is that the busiest person on earth, and these baby care tips are designed to place a touch order and routine back to your day to day routine. In no time in the least , these baby care tips will become habit for you and your baby helping you to urge back to a somewhat 'normal' life.   Breastfeeding Baby Care   There is, has and always are going to be tons of controversy on breastfeeding counting on where you reside within the world. In some countries it is the norm and most of the people wouldn't bat an eyelid if they saw a mother sit down during a restaurant and begin to breastfeed her baby. In other countries like the united kingdom and therefore the US, surprisingly and quite sadly, breastfeeding is frowned upon by many. I personally breastfed both my children and though I made some extent of being discreet, I valued my right to feed my child where, when and the way I chose to.   However, I also appreciated the very fact that i used